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时间:2022-11-14 08:04:08 作者:星火作文 字数:3053字


Between what and what


什么之间───Between what;什么───what


no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad.───之间没有明确的界限。

These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.───这些思维习惯忽略了共性与正常之间的区别。

There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want.───他们在做的和你想要的之间存在冲突。

Furthermore, there was no communication between what was left behind and that which ascended.───此外,留下的部分与提升部分间也无法产生通讯交流。

Our thoughts race ahead while we listen, filling in the space between what the speaker is trying to say and our thoughts.───当我们听别人说话的时候,我们的思考总是先快,填满发言者要说的和我们思考之间的空余时间。

It's not always easy to tell the difference between what is bullying and what might just be the result of somebody's temporary bad mood.───要区分什么是欺负和什么也许仅仅是某人临时的坏脾气不一定是容易的。


There's a striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does.

Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want.

These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.

Students see no connection between what they are learning-or how well they learn it-and their future career goals.

There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want.