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时间:2022-11-17 16:01:26 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3169字






For and maintenance of sealed and unsealed wood, linoleum and cork floors.───适用于所有蜡封和未蜡封的木地板 、 软木及油毡地面的保养.

Can I send the books unsealed?───我可以不封口寄这些书 吗 ?

As we discussed in the previous article, unsealed AuthBundles may be vulnerable during serialization.───正如前一篇文章中讨论的,未密封的AuthBundles在串行化期间可能受损。

As you probably know, the unsealed gloves and boots will give you a set bonus.───8你应该知道, 解封的靴子和手套会给你特别的好处.

They were arrested later that day and officials unsealed the court docket on Monday.───当天晚些时候两人就被逮捕,星期一官员公开了法院的诉讼记事表.

He unsealed the letter.───他拆开信.

Radiological protection standards for unsealed radioactive sources logging in oil and gas - field.───油(气)田非密封型放射源测井放射卫生防护标准.

A senior licensed operator may operate any sealed and unsealed radioactive material or any radioactive facilities.───三领有高级操作执照者,得操作任何密封或非密封放射性物质或任何能量之可发生游离辐射设备.


Any smooth flooring supplied unsealed should be sealed for use in a bathroom - instructions are supplied by the manufacturer.

His indictment was unsealed on May 10, 1994, and Thanong quickly resigned from parliament.

Shall I send this unsealed?

His doom is as yet unsealed.

Our telephone conversations were eavesdropped, letters were posted unsealed and read by censors before going out into the world.