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时间:2022-11-18 04:03:48 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2615字


Yesterday was the second of January


一月二号───January 2nd;昨天───yesterday


I was born on January 2nd.───我的生日是一月二日。

I have your letter of January 2nd.───我收到你一月二日的来信。

She says we have to get married on January 2nd, or we'll have bad luck.───她说我们得在一月二号结婚,否则就会倒霉。

Two-year Treasury bonds yield less than 1%. The 30-year bond was, as recently as January 2nd, yielding less than 3%.───两年期的政府债券收益还不到1%,就在最近的1月2号,30年期的政府公债收益缩减到3%。

The 30-year bond was, as recently as January 2nd, yielding less than 3%.───如同一月二号般接近的30年期国库券,收益率不超过3%。

On Tuesday, President Obama nominated Ben Bernanke for a 2nd term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. His current 4 years end in January.───周二,奥巴马总统提名本·伯南克连任美联储主席。本·伯南克目前四年的任期一月结束。


January 2nd is a public holiday in Scotland, but in England it is a normal working day.