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时间:2022-11-18 20:00:48 作者:星火作文 字数:2719字






logistical component of moving Nanny Caddy and delivering nationwide is not so easy.───Nanny Caddy的物流和全国递送并不简单。

Caddy: Yes sir, you bought a new golf bag.───球童: 注意到了,先生, 您买了一个新高尔夫球袋.

The thing that come has been installed with a caddy.───来的东西用一个小罐装好.

I a great caddy today.───我今天的杆弟很棒.

In reliance on this representation, Caddy had made many purchases from Pearl.───依靠这种代表性, 茶叶罐提出了许多购买珍珠.

Since Tiger drives an Escalade, can he blame the accident on his caddy?───当伍兹把车开上人行道时, 他能把事故归咎到球童身上 吗 ?

I'm very glad to be your caddy.───我很高兴做你的球童.

Caddy : " Yes sir, you miss the ball much closer now. "───是的, 先生.你能几乎达到球了.


Caddy: Yes sir, you bought a new golf bag.

The tea caddy was empty too.

He had an attentive caddy who held the brilliantly segmented umbrella over him between shots.

You get to watch Emil Franzi caddy for County Manager Chuck Huckleberry in the Pro - Am.

Caddy protested at Pearl's demand at first.