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时间:2022-09-30 04:01:22 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2613字


tie marriage




He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year.───他和海伦去年庆祝了他们的银婚。

After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.───婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片.

The wedding day finally arrived.───婚礼这一天终于到来。

He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding.───他大手笔地拿出一半财产给女儿办婚事.

Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?───你们俩选定婚期了 吗 ?

Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding.───婚后没几天就染上了梅毒.

The family must come together for the parents'silver wedding.───全家必须聚会庆祝父母的银婚.

Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.───如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅.


The wedding will be conducted by the local vicar.

Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.

They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.

He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year.

He hasn't any suitable shoes for the wedding.