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时间:2022-10-07 00:01:19 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2752字


It's so happy


太幸福───Too happy;真是───That's very true


I am too happy to stand faint!───我要幸福的昏倒了!

I wasn't too happy with what I'd written so far.───我对自己到目前为止所写的东西还不是非常满意。

I'm not too happy about her living alone.───我不太放心让她一个人住。

She is all too happy to tell Harry what he's done wrong on his date with Cho after-the-fact.───她在事实发生之后很高兴的告诉哈利他与秋的恋爱是多么的错误。

The children will say that this day too happy, I love this world. This is what we Manghuo all day and would like to see.───孩子们会说,这一天太快乐了,我爱这个世界。这正是我们整天忙活而想看到的。

Only too happy if she deign some times to cast a pitying look upon her slave , and to remember him in the hour of danger !───如果她能间或委身,对她的奴隶投去怜悯的目光,在危难中记得他,那就是他莫大的幸福!


Bobby was too happy to be bothered.

I am too happy to stand faint!

He seemed none too happy/pleased at the prospect of meeting the family.

We'd be only too happy to accept your invitation.

I'm not too happy about her living alone.