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时间:2022-10-12 00:04:08 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2591字


The lions are asleep


狮子们───Lions;睡着───Fall asleep


The two stone lions, of grotesque shape, guard the entrance.───两只形态奇异的石狮子守卫着入口处.

Lions, tigers and leopards are all cats.───狮 、 虎和豹都是猫科动物.

Lions and tigers are big game.───狮子和老虎是大猎物.

I have understood since that they were sea lions, and entirely harmless.───后来我才知道那些就是海狮, 根本不会伤人.

The old man was dreaming about the lions.───老人正梦见狮子.

There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving; for instance, training lions.───有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险, 例如驯狮.

He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions.───他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了.

The lions in the park are safely fenced in.───公园里的狮子都被铁栏牢牢围住.


The cat family embraces lions and tigers.

Lions and elephants are wild animals.

The lions devoured a zebra in a short time.

Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. 

How often do lions breed?