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时间:2022-10-15 20:04:26 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3116字


Welcome to Mianyang




Mianyang also has four distinct seasons, but winter is comparatively warmer.───绵阳四季分明,冬天相对说来比较温暖。

Sichuan Conservatory of Music-Mianyang Arts College───四川音乐学院绵阳艺术学院

Bus No.48 will take you to the airport from downtown Mianyang.───巴士往返于机场和绵阳之间。

One of the worst-hit areas appears to be Beichuan county, part of the Mianyang city municipal area, about 50km from the epicentre .───受灾最严重地区之一是绵阳市北川县,该县离震中有50余公里。

After the quake, she searched every hospital in Mianyang, but found none of her relatives.───在地震之后,她急忙地到绵阳的每一家医院寻求她的亲人的消息,但是都没有找到一个亲人。

Another person is reported to have died when a water tower collapsed in the city of Mianyang, in Santai county.───又据报道,绵阳市三台县一座水塔倒塌也造成了人员伤亡。


Another person was killed when a water tower fell in the city of Mianyang, Xinhua reported.

The city of Mianyang was hit hard by the May 12 earthquake.

Chengdu focuses on electronic information and biomedicine, Mianyang on electronic products and Deyang on advanced manufacturing.

Anopheles sinensis of Changsha, Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Wuhan origin were tested for their susceptibility to Plasmodium vivax from patients of Cili, Hunan and Mianyang, Hubei.

Mianyang city belongs to eastern subtropics monsoon climate region, moderate climate, and distinctive four seasons.