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时间:2022-11-04 04:03:07 作者:学习啦 字数:3072字


Sense of mission


使命感───Sense of mission


Each miracle increased his sense of mission.───每一个奇迹都增加了他对使命的意义。

I want to go there with a sense of mission.───我想带着使命感去那里。

Human nature means that institutions at some point lose their sense of mission.───人性意味着机构有时会失去其使命感。

Yet in their self-awareness and sense of mission, Zhivago's children began to resemble the Russian intelligentsia of a century before.───但是,这些日瓦戈的孩子们开始重拾一个世纪之前俄国知识分子的自我意识和使命感。

Once we are connected with him, we have a new identity. This identity carries with it a clear sense of mission.───一旦我们与祂连结,我们便有了新身份,一个带著清楚使命的新身份。

What appears to unite all those who can stand the heat is a passion and a sense of mission.───所有这些能忍受热的人的相同之处是一种激情和使命感。


Worrying mentality is a kind of mental state that people treat society and lives with rational, wide views and deliberate temper under the prod of the sense of mission and obligation.

There is an enormous sense of mission in his speech and gesture.

Chinese commander on Thursday called on all military officers and soldiers to strengthen their sense of mission and get further combat-ready.

A powerful sense of mission underpins everything he does.

In that office he translated the old church language about a sense of mission, redirecting it to the nation.