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时间:2022-11-17 12:04:33 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2608字


Rabbit sand




He took careful aim and fired at the rabbit.───他仔细瞄准,然后向兔子开枪射击.

With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.───魔术师手一挥兔子便不见了.

Little rabbit, Little fox: One two , three , find a fob.───小兔, 狐狸: 一二三, 找工作!

'Abracadabra,'said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.───魔术师囗中念念有词, 把兔子从礼帽中掏了出来.

The magician held his wand over the handkerchief and out hopped a rabbit.───那位魔术师将魔棒在手帕上一挥,就蹦出了一只兔子.

dog scented a rabbit.───狗嗅到了兔子的气息。

The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.───那只凶猛的豹子正追赶一只兔子.

Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes.───炖野兔是厨师詹卡洛·莫里的招牌菜之一。


A rabbit can make long jumps.

My collar is only made of rabbit.

Benny is a pet name for the rabbit.

The rabbit is timid and suspicious.

He waved his magic wand and a rabbit appeared.