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时间:2022-11-17 16:01:33 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2696字


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The bullet hit home.───子弹命中目标.

His criticism hit home.───他的批评击中了要害.

After some thought he hit on a plan to route the enemy.───他经过一番思考,想到了一个打垮敌人的办法.

At the last moment, the player was able to hit the ball in and so ensure his team's victory.───关键时刻, 那个球员踢进一球,从而确保该队的胜利.

This is the place where the storm hit.───这就是暴风雨袭击的地方。

He hit a bad patch this year, having two operations in three months.───今年他可倒霉了, 3个月内开了两次刀.

Several news commentators hit out at the president on his foreign policy.───有几位时事评论员猛烈抨击总统的对外政策.

After he hit me, I called the cops to come to get him.───他打了我, 于是我就报警,让警察来抓他.


If you don't aim high you will never hit high.

He hardly flinched when he was hit.

Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

In a frenzy of rage she hit him.

The area was constantly hit by drought.