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时间:2022-11-17 16:02:16 作者:语文迷 字数:2339字


I went for a walk today


散步───take a walk;今天───today


I sometimes take a walk outside.───有时候我会到外面散散步。

I used to take a walk in the quiet grove.───过去我常在那安静的小树林里散步.

you want to take a walk?───你想散步吗?

I take a walk along the bank every morning.───我每天早晨在岸上散步.

The warm weather seduced me away from my studies to take a walk.───温暖宜人的天气诱使我抛下功课出去散步.

I used to take a walk in the early morning.───我过去常一大早出去散步.

" I want to take a walk along the river bank, singing my favorite songs. "───我想在河边散步, 唱我喜欢的歌.

I think I'll go out and take a walk in the park.───我想出去到公园里散散步.


Let's take a walk for a change.