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时间:2022-11-17 16:02:26 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3463字


Error correction


昫夷───Error correction


This same method is used for error correction in DVD technology.───DVD技术中的错误校正使用的是同样的方法.

Hybrid ARQ technology is the combination of FEC ( forward error correction ) and ARQ ( automatic repeat request ).───混合ARQ( HARQ ) 技术是前向纠错和检错重发方式的结合.

Welcome everyone, all considering as a error correction practice.───欢迎各位到来, 就全当做一次改错练习了!

An RS code is twice powerful at erasure correction than at error correction.───里德所罗门码对[抹除]的更正能力是一般错误的两倍.

Good classification can help teachers take appropriate error correction strategies.───对错误进行正确的分类有助于教师采取恰当的纠错策略.

Where the test content was concerned, test anxiety mostly came from error correction and cloze test.───从测试内容上看,学生在英语考试过程中, 这种焦虑更多是来自短文改错和完形填空.

And technology of metrical error correction is the focus of technology of near field measurement.───而测量误差的补偿技术研究是近场测量技术的焦点问题.

By use of the theory of Error correction, the error correcting mode is built.───运用误差修正的理论, 建立误差修正的模型,提高了测量的精度和稳定性.


Error correction is what modems do to compensate when bits get lost or scrambled because the phone connection is less than perfect.

A licence agreement may specifically prohibit error correction so that all this provision does is to raise a presumption in favour of the lawful user.

The BARROCO CODE has built-in error correction.

It doesn't have error correction or data compression and for £249, I'd expect these features to be standard.

The dictionary method gives much greater error correction performance, with greater storage requirements and computational cost.